Tasmanian’s are wondering whats going on with their new ships, and why construction hasn’t t started yet. Questions are being asked why the building hall remains empty and which ship will be built next.
At this stage, no one really knows for sure. Brittany Ferries Honfleur is meant to be delivered within the next few moths all going well. Although it is rumored the delay will go over a year from the scheduled delivery date of June 2019. Also the Ro/Ro hull 781 LIEKUT is in the fit out strange after being launched October of last year. She is due to be delivered in March.
Irish ferries new build 777 is meant to have begin construction by now, but as far as we know not even the first steel has been cut. It is quite possible the legal teams of FSG and ICG have locked horns, as there is no way FSG can deliver on time. Maybe they are in the process of renegotiation, or compensation for not building the ship at all. It’s all just speculation until an announcement is made.
The industry expects an announcement to be made soon, as ICG is a publicly listed company and can’t remain tight lipped forever. Once we know what is happening with the ICG new build, it will be clearer on when the TT-Line new builds will be built.
The advocate gives a bit of info here
Devonport City Council to seek clarity from state government on delivery of new Spirits

DOUBT: After the contracted shipyard Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft revealed it was in financial difficultues in February 2019, there have been ongoing concerns the new Spirit of Tasmania vessels will be delivered late. Concerns over the on-time delivery of the new Spirits of Tasmania continue with Devonport mayor Annette Rockliff saying she will write to the Premier next week seeking clarification on the issue because of their importance to Devonport.
After the German shipyard contracted to build the vessels Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft revealed it was in financial difficulties in February 2019, there have been ongoing concerns about the project with a European line whose ship is currently being built by FSG ahead of the Spirits confirming this week their order has been delayed further.
Cr Rockliff said the potential late arrival of the Spirits would have an impact on the council’s planning for capital expenditure over the next few years.
The Commonwealth has committed $3 million to beautify the Tasmanian sea entrance at Devonport and encourage visitors to explore the North-West.
DELAYED DELIVERY: The problems plaguing the German shipyard chosen to build the next Spirit of Tasmania ferries continue as its shipbuilding hall (bottom left) sits empty.
“We have federal funding that we’ve been able to delay to allow us to use it once we know where the new Spirits are going. We’ve been waiting for TT-Line and Tasports to make final arrangements about where the new Spirits are berthing in the river,” Cr Rockliff said.
“When I’ve been speaking about [the arrival of the new Spirits] it’s been in relation to 2022.”
Cradle Coast Authority chief executive Daryl Connelly said the ships were important to deliver visitors to the region to make use of tourism infrastructure such as recently upgraded coastal pathway.
“For our region to be able to get the most mileage out of that, the most return for that, we need to have those Spirits delivering more people here who will get off the boat and, not only ride their bike along the pathway, but will stop at cafes, shops and other experiences,” Mr Connelly said.
More on the new Spirit of Tasmania vessels:
- Reports of financial difficulty for German shipyards building new Spirit of Tasmania vessels
- No timetable confirmed for delivery of new vessels
- Government’s ‘hands-off’ approach to TT-line ship deal criticised
- Premier urged to meet with ‘troubled’ shipbuilder
- Tasmanians ‘in the dark’ about deliver of new Spirit of Tasmania vessels
- Doubts grow on Spirit schedule
Tourism Industry Council Tasmania chief executive Luke Martin said he did not think a delay on the ships would have a significant impact on tourism in the short-term.
“The current ships still have a lot of life in them, do a stellar job, and passenger numbers continue to grow,” Mr Martin said.
“Obviously, we’re looking forward to seeing the next generation ships on the route as soon as possible. It is the largest visitor infrastructure project in [Tasmania], so it is exciting for the industry, especially in regional areas.”
Labor infrastructure spokesman Shane Broad said the government, instead of clinging to its previous statement the vessels would be delivered next year, needed to tell Tasmanians if this was just another broken promise.
“We need to know when building the new vessels will start and when they will be delivered so that tourism operators, business and exporters can plan their investments and passengers can look forward to more capacity,” Dr Broad said.
A government spokesperson reiterated the government was confident TT-Line would deliver the new vessels and the company remains in regular communication with FSG regarding its contracts.